Shantae 64: The Unreleased Sequel

I’ve always loved Shantae. It’s been my favorite game ever since the first one in the series was released. I haven’t played it in forever though. Once I heard that Shantae was one of the most-voted characters to be a DLC character in the new Super Smash Bros. game, I was more excited than I had ever been in my entire life! To contain my excitement until she won the vote, I went to my favorite flea market to buy more Shantae merchandise for my collection.
There was always a man named Jeff who loved Shantae just as much as me. He would only sell Shantae merchandise. When I drove there, he was there, as always. I asked him if he had anything good. He said that he ended up getting his hands on an unreleased sequel to Shantae. He pulled it out, and the first thing that I noticed was that it was a Nintendo 64 game. I was extremely excited since it was my favorite video game character on my favorite video game console. I always loved the colorful and blocky look of all the games on the Nintendo 64.
He gave it to me for free. Excited as hell, I went straight to my car, drove home, rushed to my room, and put the game in my Nintendo 64. The title screen popped up and it was the most beautiful looking design on any Nintendo 64 game I’d ever seen. I went to the options and set the difficulty to hard. I like to be adventurous when I play games. Then, I pressed play.
It showed Shantae in a grassy area walking towards a dock. Risky Boots was standing there at the dock, seemingly waiting for Shantae. Her shoulders were slumped, and she looked really depressed. I thought this was weird. I mean, Risky Boots is Shantae’s mortal enemy. Why wasn’t Risky attacking her? Where’s her pirate ship? Where’s her pirate crew? These were all questions I asked myself.
Shantae now stood directly in front of her, expressionless. They just stood there silent for about 5 seconds. Then Risky said, in red text, “I’m ready to pay for my crimes…” I’ve read a lot of creepypasta stories, especially ones based on video games, and thought that this looked like one of those, but being the dumbass I was, I just assumed that this was just a minor glitch. I assumed so since at the bottom-right corner of the screen, it said, “Prototype v0.6.6.”
Suddenly, it cut to black. Then, out of nowhere, it showed Risky hanging herself in a forest that was burning down. My heart sank when I saw this… I saw a shadow creeping slowly towards Risky’s now lifeless, dead body. It is then revealed that the shadow is being cast by Shantae. Shantae stood right next to Risky’s hung body. She just stood there and stared at the corpse for, like, 16 seconds. Then, she deeply stared directly at the screen, in my direction. A tear appears in her eye. Then, a bunch of tears well up in her eyes.
I was now crying, but I was suddenly cut off when it showed a horrifying image. It was Shantae, but she was crying blood. She was screaming, “WHY?!!! SACRIFICE!!! SISTER!!!!” The game shut itself off and Nintendo 64 exploded, setting my house on fire. Since I was panicking, I didn’t think to get a fire extinguisher. I grabbed a blanket and waved it over the fire. The blanket caught fire and so did my arms. As the fire slowly creeped to the rest of my body, I realized that Shantae was doing this. She needed a sacrifice to revive her dead sister, Risky.
I let the fire burn me… I was willing...